Buy XCH toTrade
Your gateway into Chia. Acquire NFTs, contribute to dApps, swap for other coins, and more.
Download a Wallet
Download our official Chia wallet or other popular community-built wallets to store your XCH.
Load Your Wallet
Select your preferred method to acquire XCH below:
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best for you?
XCH Price
Through an Exchange
Acquire XCH from a decentralized (DEX) or centralized exchange (CEX) using ACH, credit card, bank transfer, and more.
Choose from exchanges around the world.
Popular Centralized Exchanges*
Popular Decentralized Exchanges*
*Chia does not directly endorse any of these exchanges. Please use common sense and exercise caution when transacting through a third party. XCH currently cannot be deposited or withdrawn to an external wallet through in select countries.
Swap for XCH
Swap your existing cryptos, such as BTC or ETH, directly for XCH.
Exchange wallet-to-wallet and person-to-person faster.
Popular Swap Services*
*Chia does not directly endorse any of these exchanges. Please use common sense and exercise caution when transacting through a third party.
Use a Bridge
Transfer assets between different blockchains.
Popular Bridges*
*Chia does not directly endorse any of these bridges. Please use common sense and exercise caution when transacting through a third party.
What’s Next?
Use your newly acquired XCH. Explore our ecosystem and community to buy NFTs, contribute to projects, and much more.
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