The Chia Developers forum has been sunsetted. For support and discussions, visit our Discord Server.
We are excited to share with you the launch of our new Developer Community forums at developers.chia.net! In a previous blog post, we discussed our ongoing plans to overhaul our community developer documentation in a variety of ways… and this is the next step of that process.
While docs.chia.net and Chialisp.com continue to be the home of our “static” documentation and guidance, our hope is for the Developer Community forums to be the “living” source for additional information and support. These forums are focused on the subset of the Chia ecosystem focused on all things development related: applications like wallets and DEXes, components like CATs, future functionality like NFTs, understanding Chialisp in general, etc.
The Developer Community is meant to be a space to engage with each other, pick each other’s brains, and provide supporting questions and answers. It is also a place where the Chia Network team will help clear up questions and provide details as well. While several of these topics are covered in our Keybase team (Note: We have moved from Keybase to Discord), we understand that Keybase is ephemeral and it can be challenging to find old topics outside of the scope of a current real-time conversation. We hope that this place can help give you a long-lived repository of knowledge to reference. Additionally, to help kick-start the information located within it, we’ve taken the liberty of scouring through Keybase for some of the more common questions and answers and pre-seeded them into the forums for your benefit.
Our hope is that these forums become an active place for the Developer Community over time, and is part of a triangle of pillars of Developer support: the documentation repository for static knowledge, Keybase for real-time engagement, and the forums for historical context and asynchronous questions and answers.
(Additionally, as this is the initial launch of the forums, we expect there to be a lot of potential tweaks and improvements to be made. We will be doing so over the coming days and weeks, so please bear with us while we make these adjustments. We also welcome and will take into consideration any feedback you may have, which can be shared in the forums itself!)