Chia Blog

This Week in Tech interviews Bram Cohen about Chia, and Libra

by Chia Team

Following the release of our green paper and the launch of our Proof of Space competition Chia has received lots of positive attention from media outlets including Venture Beat and Yahoo Finance and the community at large. Decrypt Media, an independent website dedicated to cryptocurrency news, reached out to interview Bram Cohen, founder and CTO of Chia. They were interested in where Chia envisioned itself in the wider cryptocurrency eco-system and how Chia improved upon existing cryptocurrencies. You can read their full interview here.

“Let’s go over everything we know about Bitcoin and how it works, and then ask ourselves ‘What if we weren’t stuck with a legacy codebase?’ What would we do then? And that’s really the approach we’re taking here”

We at Chia are proud that This Week in Tech reached out to us and asked Bram to appear on their show Triangulation to discuss Chia for their most recent episode. Triangulation is weekly shows where “TWiT hosts talk to the smartest people in the world about the most important topics in technology”, so we’re delighted to be included.

You can watch the full episode here.