$ 915 Billion
Total Global Transaction Fee Revenue
$ 192.10
Total Blockchain Annual Payment Market Size ($bn)
$ 9.61
Total Layer 1 Transaction Fees For Blockchain Under Analysis ($bn)
1.05 %
Percentage of total transaction fee revenue on Layer 1 of Blockchain Under Analysis
$ 10.15
Average Transaction Cost at TPS of Blockchain Under Analysis
$ 384.21
Total Coin Value $(bn)
Total Estimated Coin Market Capitalization
$ 9,726.78
Value Per Coin
Total Coin Capitalization divided by coins outstanding in Year X
$ 168.68
Discounted Coin Value
Present Value of Future Estimated Coin Price Discounted at the Required
Rate of Return for X years.
$ 168.68
Present Value of Future Estimated Coin Price Discounted at the Required
Rate of Return for X years.
$ 915 Billion
Total Global Transaction Fee Revenue
$ 192.10
Total Annual Blockchain Payments Market Size ($bn)
$ 9.61
Total Layer 1 Transaction Fees For This Blockchain ($bn)
1.05 %
Percentage of Fees on Layer 1 of Blockchain
$ 10.15
Average Transaction Cost at Layer 1 TPS
$ 384.21
Total Coin Value $(bn)
$ 9,726.78
Value Per Coin